Language Switcher
The language switcher module allows you to take advantage of the language tags that are available when content, modules and menu links are created. This module displays a list of available Content Languages for switching between them. When switching languages, it redirects...
Getting Started
It’s easy to get started creating your website. Knowing some of the basics will help. What is a Content Management System? A content management system is software that allows you to create and manage webpages easily by separating the creation of your...
Getting Help
There are lots of places you can get help with Joomla!. In many places in your site administrator you will see the help icon. Click on this for more information about the options and functions of items on your screen. Other places...
These plugins are behind the buttons found beneath your editor. They only run when an editor plugin runs. Default on: Editor Button: Image Editor Button: Readmore Editor Button: Page Break Editor Button: Article Default off: None
Editors are used thoughout Joomla! where content is created. TinyMCE is the default choice in most locations although CodeMirror is used in the template manager. No Editor provides a text box for html content. Default on: CodeMirror Help TinyMCE Help No Editor...
The content component (com_content) is what you use to write articles. It is extremely flexible and has the largest number of built in views. Articles can be created and edited from the front end, making content the easiest component to use to...
Australian Parks
Welcome! This is a basic site about the beautiful and fascinating parks of Australia. On this site you can read all about my travels to different parks, see photos, and find links to park websites. This sample site is an example of...
The authentication plugins operate when users login to your site or administrator. The Joomla! authentication is in operation by default but you can enable Gmail or LDAP or install a plugin for a different system. An example is included that may be...
Administrator Components
All components also are used in the administrator area of your website. In addition to the ones listed here, there are components in the administrator that do not have direct front end displays, but do help shape your site. The most important ones...